Māori Accounting

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Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) are committed to supporting Māori students through their accounting career.

CA ANZ and Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa

CA ANZ have a strong relationship with Ngā Kaitatau Māori o Aotearoa (NKMoA – National Māori Accountants Network) and have collaborated with the network to provide two scholarships for Māori Accounting students at tertiary level. Connect with NKMoA via their website or Facebook page to learn about the network and upcoming events.

Learn more about the New Zealand University Māori Student Associations

Connect with your local University's Māori Student Association to find out how to gain support and build networks within the Māori student community.

Maori Student Associations

  • Ngā Tauira Māori – University of Auckland

    Ngā Tauira MāoriNgā Tauira Māori is the University of Auckland Māori Students Association.

    The Society's objectives are to encourage and support Auckland University Māori students in their academic, culture and social development and achievement generally in the context of Tino Rangatiratanga and in a manner consistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi, its principles and tikanga. Ngā Tauira Māori aims to support students in the following ways:

    • Ensuring that tutorials and study space, literature and technology resources within the University are readily accessible to Māori students;
    • Encouraging participation in and facilitating communication with Te Mana Akonga (National Māori Students’ Society);
    • Enhancing the profile of Māori students within campus by encouraging their participation in the affairs of the entire student body; and
    • Raising the profile of Māori students in the wider community.

    Phone: (09) 373 7599 ext 83981 or DDI (09) 923 3981

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: http://www.ntm.maori.nz/

  • Titahi Ki Tua - Auckland University of Technology

    Titahi Ki Tua is the Māori Students Association at Auckland University of Technology.

    Titahi Ki Tua offers Māori AUT students a place where they can come together to share ideas, share identity, draw support, socialise, meet other Māori and practice culture through kapa haka, all in a marae environment.

    The main purpose of Titahi Ki Tua is to build relationships and networks amongst Māori through various social activities.

    Email: [email protected]

  • Te Ranga Ngaku - University of Waikato (Hamilton & Tauranga)

    Te Ranga NgakuTe Ranga Ngaku is the Māori Management Student Network within the University of Waikato in Hamilton / Tauranga.

    The kaupapa of the roopū is to encourage whakawhanaungatanga of all Māori students. The network supports and promotes the activities and interests of Māori Management students and is governed by an executive committee. The network has its own study room in the Management Student Centre and organises several activities and events.

    Te Ranga Ngaku endeavour to provide academic, cultural and social support towards Māori students who at least study one paper from Waikato Management School. Every year the executive team will host, organise and participate in a number of events for our tauira Māori. These events include the yearly Haerenga trip (visiting businesses within NZ to network, learn from and open up opportunities for the future), Kaitahi (whānau lunch and information session), Hakinakina (Māori sports day), Pō Whakanganau (whānau celebration at the end of the year before the exam period) and much more!

    Email: [email protected]

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeRangaNgaku/

  • Manawatahi – Massey University (Palmerston North)

    ManawatahiManawatahi is the Māori Students' Association at Massey University's Manawatū campus in Palmerston North.

    Manawatahi aim to provide a culturally safe environment for Māori students to fulfill their potential within Massey University, Manawatū campus and acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a founding document of Aotearoa and tino rangatiratanga – move toward autonomy.

    Manawatahi is an organisation that represents and advocates on behalf of Māori students during their time of study. Weekly hui-ā-whānau are held at Kainga Rua (Māori Study Space) to discuss issues relevant to Māori students.

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.facebook.com/manawatahi

  • Ngā Taura Umanga - Victoria University of Wellington
    Ngā Taura Umanga

    Ngā Taura Umanga is the Māori students' commerce association students at Victoria University of Wellington.

    Ngā Taura Umanga play a key role in developing strong relationships between Māori students, staff and alumni.

    The group organises social and networking events, participate in national hui, and have access to scholarships and other information that will encourage and assist you along your path as a Māori in the business world.

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.victoria.ac.nz/students/campus/clubs/directory/nga-taura-umanga-maori-commerce

  • Te Tai Tuara - University of Otago

    Te Tai TuaraTe Tai Tuara is an association established to support Māori commerce students at the University of Otago.

    The association aims to encourage and motivate excellence amongst Māori commerce students and the wider business environment. Te Tai Tuara provides academic support as well as providing students with further opportunities to become involved and network outside of regular university events.

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://www.otago.ac.nz/maoricentre/student-groups/te-tai-tuara/index.html

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TTTOtago/

  • Te Awhioraki - Lincoln University

    Te Awhioraki is the Māori Students’ Association supporting Māori students at Lincoln University.

    Te Awhioraki represents all Māori students on campus; providing social, cultural and academic support. The association also organises social events, wānanga and workshops to support and enhance Māori identity on campus.

    Te Awhioraki provides a strong voice for Māori issues. The association works alongside the Lincoln University Students’ Association (LUSA) as a student advocate, and has a seat on the University Council Committee responsible for Māori development (Ahumairaki) and the LUSA executive.

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/Student-Life/Student-Support/Maori-student-support/

Māori in Accounting making a positive change

Check out the Inspirational stories on Māori currently using their experience to work towards realising the potential as a Māori CA to contribute to whānau, hapū, iwi and the wider Māori community.